Metron Analysis



Telephone Research
Telephone interviews among the general public and specific groups, using CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews) and sampling frames of telephone numbers, with quick response to survey questions.

Face-to-face Research
Face-to-face interviews among specific groups, using CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews), PAPI (Paper Assisted Personal Interviews), outdoors (Exit, Street, Road Side) or in professional spaces (B2B) using customized sampling designs.

Door to door Research
Face-to-face interviews among the general public in households, using probabilistic sampling techniques and CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) or PAPI (Paper Assisted Personal Interviews).

Qualitative Research (focus groups)
Focus group surveys throughout Greece as well as in-depth interviews.

Mystery Research
Mystery shopping surveys in stores for the evaluation of the purchasing process in relation to price levels, services and frontline staff conduct.

Online Research
Online surveys using an online questionnaire filled in by respondents on their own. Applied to specific groups that are hard to reach using the other methodologies, since respondents can answer at a convenient time.

Observational Research
Observing people in their natural environment in rder to understand attitudes and behaviors that cannot be captured verbally. (in combination with other methods of qualitative survey)

Shop Along Research
On-the-spot survey that combines observation and personal interviews in order to collect information on consumer trends and habits.

Experimental / Product Tests
Development of experimental designs for targeted samples (e.g. case-control, matched samples, monadic-non monadic tests) for the comparative study of populations, the conduction of product control and the implementation of stated preference analysis.
